Rachael Kettle

Rachael Kettle

Where do you Live

Stromness- with a great view over the town to Hoy!

What do you do

Fulltime mum at the moment but have a background in Adult Mental Health Social Work.

Favourite Book

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

Favourite part of the Bible

Isaiah – most specifically chapter 58!

Favourite Film

Amelie or Lord of the rings.

Favourite Album

Hate questions like this…maybe ‘If I was’ by the Staves or anything by Nora Jones.

Favourite Worship Song

At the moment – you are worthy of it all or O God would you move.

Dream Meal

Depends what mood I’m in – curry is often a top choice

What's on your bucket list

To visit Japan and have a beehive in our garden.

Favourite Place in Orkney

Skaill Beach

If you could invite anyone in the world to lunch with you and Jesus, who would it be?

Rachel Khoo to cook for us.

Believed in Jesus since

Most of my life

In Church since

The day In was born… with a few gaps in between!


I have a big family…. 13 cousins, 3 siblings, 6 nieces and nephews, married to Tom with 2 boys of our own!

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